Robin “Ronin” Quirke (they/them)


I believe in order to transform harmful societal challenges, it is important to take the time to understand the culture in which we find ourselves, and how it has shaped each of us. With that in mind, every workshop I facilitate:

    • begins with some history on how the culture in which we find ourselves, and the ways many of us were programmed to think, are inherited from Western European colonizers,
    • is designed to meet the needs of the group, be it educators, health and wellness practitioners, therapists, social service nonprofits, etc.,
    • leans into, with respect and care, how the acknowledgment and healing of personal, ancestral, and cultural trauma is key to dismantling white supremacy and doing the work of growing a new culture, and
    • can be designed for a racially-mixed group or for just white folks.

Some examples of workshop topics: re-imagining culture (noticing settler/colonizer culture in our organizations, personal values, and ways of thinking), the myth of objectivity, and cultivating belonging.


One-on-One Sessions:

I also offer confidential one-on-one support for white folks who are looking for a space to work through stuckness in unraveling their whiteness. As a white person, and as a side-dish to the rich sea of incredible BIPOC teachers and guides, what I offer is an understanding of what it feels like to be on the path of understanding whiteness and how it shows up in me, and what I have learned along the way in my own development, as well as what I learned working with other white people. These sessions can be a useful first step in developing a workshop for a small group.


Learning groups:

These are 9-week-long, once a week learning groups, where white-bodied/presenting folks can unpack their internalized white supremacy. You can find more information here, and register or fill out an interest form here.

These groups focus on Layla Saad’s “Me and White Supremacy” interactive book, as well as offer additional resources, tools, and support. This is life-changing self-reflective work.


For fee structure, go here.


A little about me:

My background is in research psychology and education, and I received facilitation training through the San Francisco Coalition of Essential Small Schools iGroup (i for inquiry) Facilitator Training.  I have worked with many people and organizations within Oregon. As part of what I bring to everything I do, I am a learner of Internal Family Systems and ancestral healing, and am getting braver at admitting I have become a dabbler in connecting with the Spirit realm (an unexpected life-changing opening I shifted into while working towards the undoing of white supremacy within myself). If you want to get to know me a bit, you can check out my podcast “Cracks in the Cement” by clicking here.


Click here to contact me


“I came to Robin’s ‘Me and White Supremacy’ workshop with a lot of questions about how to show up as a white-bodied educator and academic who cares about social justice and collective liberation. Through Robin’s learning group, I had the opportunity to sit with my internalized white supremacy and begin the work of developing an antiracist practice in a warm and non-judgmental community of people on similar journeys. Robin brings a compassionate approach to the learning environment that makes the heavy lifting of this work feel less intimidating, and their embodied example helped me make critical connections between my spiritual healing journey and antiracist practice. Thanks to Robin, I now understand my role in antiracist work as a white-bodied person and have the knowledge and tools to build antiracist practice into the work I do in my community. I highly recommend Robin’s MWS learning group to anyone who wants to learn how to be a better ally but is afraid of being judged along the journey and doesn’t know where to begin. Thank you, Robin, for the work you do through Rise Up Rooted!” -Addie P., Educator and DEI+ Practitioner

“I first met Robin Quirke in 2020 when like so many of us, I felt compelled to examine my role in the current state of racial despair. I was apprehensive to sign up for the 10 week book group using Layla Saad’s ‘Me and White Supremacy’ as I knew there were gaps in my understanding but I didn’t know how to get at them. Robin provided the perfect container to allow for vulnerability, shame and grief to be examined and worked with in a meaningful way. It truly changed my life and inspired me to actively look at my sphere of influence and my relationships so I could initiate difficult conversations I have been conditioned to avoid. When I decided to bring in what we have now dubbed ‘white work’ to my group therapy practice, I knew Robin was the person to help us dig out of our stuck places. I was so pleased they were willing to bring their knowledge and experience to help our white bodied clinicians cultivate an environment of honesty, an increased tolerance of discomfort around topics of race and privilege as well as humility. My team has enjoyed Robin’s compassion and humor along with a wealth of resources that we can continue to work with on our own. The work of uprooting systemic pain is hard and you don’t have to do it alone or without guidance. The very nature of Robin’s style is collaborative and supportive accountability and I know so much healing is available to us both individually and collectively with folx like Robin willing to walk with us through the tangled path.” – Erin Frazier-Maskiell, Alive Holistic Counseling 

“Robin is a gem for leading workshops and education sessions related to diversity, equity and inclusion, as well as facilitating book club learning groups. We are so fortunate to have Robin on our team and willing to step up and lead this work. I’ve always been impressed with Robin’s ability to provide examples and share their personal experiences. Robin creates a safe space for others to learn and share. They are willing to dig into the uncomfortable conversations and ideas to ignite change and progress. Robin is sensitive to establish trust and also direct with issues that come up. Robin has always provided thorough resources and offered to have follow up conversations with folks. As a physical educator, they also recognize the importance of mind-body connection on these critical topics and acknowledging how we embody this work.” – Chantelle Russell, University of Oregon Department of Physical Education & Recreation